New Player Guide

From Beasts of Bermuda
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Welcome to Beasts of Bermuda - a dinosaur survival game focused on infinite growth and fighting against the weather and other players. This guide will give you the basics necessary for Survival in the game. This does not, however, gurantee it! Beasts of Bermuda can be a difficult game starting out, and you may not be able to grow even past 1.0. But don't worry, as you keep playing and you grow accustomed, it'll become a breeze!


The first thing you have to learn are your controls. By default you have:

  • W A S D for movement
  • Space to Jump
  • C for Sniffing
  • F for Interacting (such as eating or drinking)
  • Double tap F for picking up items and other players
  • Ctrl for Crouching, changing Stance, Diving, or Swimming Down (where applicable)
  • Hold Shift to Run
  • Alt to raise your head
  • Q and E for strafing while swimming
  • LMB for Primary Attack
  • Hold LMB for Alt. Attack
  • RMB for Secondary Attack
  • Z for Ability 1
  • X for Ability 2
  • G for Ability 3
  • Number 1 to 5 for using Calls
  • Number 6 for Auto-Walk/Run
  • Tab to view the Player List
  • Enter to access the chat
  • Hold V to view the Player Interactions Menu
  • O to open the Character Menu

Although this may seem like a lot to remember, don't worry! Focus first on learning movement and eating/drinking. Once you're more confident, you can start learning more about combat, how abilities interact with each other, creature-specific strategies at survival and so on.

Getting Food and Water

Growing Faster

Avoiding Death

Going beyond Death

Suggested Playables