Console Commands
Many custom console commands exist in Beasts of Bermuda. These commands were added alongside development primarily to aid in testing or temporarily resolve significant quality of life or gameplay issues related to bugs. They all persist to this day. While previously unrestrained, use of most Beasts of Bermuda specific console commands are now locked behind login of a server admin. While hosting a server from their own PC, a player has the option of setting an admin login. In the absence of a specified password, all console commands are available for use by any player logged into the server at any time. If a password is specified, a player must enter the proper password before accessing the rest of the commands.
Console commands can be initiated in two ways. The first is directly through the console, accessed by pressing the ~ key (to the left of the 1 key). The second is through use of the chat box directly. By typing in // before a command, the chat box will identify this syntax as a console command and take identical action to that of using the regular console.
List of all Beasts of Bermuda Specific Commands
- SetWeather Fog Rain Cumulus SkyGreyness WindIntensity WindDirectionX WindDirectionY Lightning Surge
- Sets the various storm parameters.
- ReqWeather
ForceStorm PauseWeather Boolean ToggleWeatherData Boolean Lightning
Teleport TeleportPlayerTo LocationX LocationY TeleportAt DisplayCoords PossessEntity Species DestroyEntity Respawn EnableRagdoll
FillAllStats SetPlayerStats Health Stamina Ability Water Food Comfort DestroyAllCarcasses
ReqCharacterData ReqControllerData SetAllowAnyInput