Discord webhooks

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Using Discord webhooks

Beats of Bermuda, as of recently, supports Discord webhooks to better moderate your dedicated servers. For its setup, you will need
  • To implement Discord webhooks on your Discord Server.
  • To set up your Beasts of Bermuda Server server to communicate with your Discord server through a config setup.

With the Discord Webhooks, you can track your server(s) activity live and monitor chat, combat, group activity, logins/logouts, and admin command usage. These feeds can be put in separate private moderation channels, or all in the same spot and/or using the same Discord Webhook (not recommended).

Setting webhooks up

First of all, you will need to Create discord webhooks on your Discord server. Once that is done, open the Game.ini file, located under your {installFolder}/BeastsOfBermuda/Saved/Config/WindowsServer. If it does not exist, create it under this location.

Set the config up
- First of all, Copy-Paste the following text if it is not already there

ChatWebhookFormatStyle="[:x01]<{PlayerInfo}>[:x01] <ChatMode={ChatMode}> **>** _{msg}_"

LoginReportFormatStyle="Player [:x01]<{PlayerInfo}>[:x01] joined server _{Server}_\n----"
LogoutReportFormatStyle="Player [:x01]<{PlayerInfo}>[:x01] left server _{Server}_, played for {Hours} hours and {Minutes} minutes.\n----"

AdminCommandUsageFormatStyle="Player [:x01]<{PlayerInfo}>[:x01] used command [:x01]{Cmd}[:x01]\n----"


Now, do not run away so soon! We will go through the settings together. The first thing you need to know, is that the webhook link automatically parses the link to the discord API. This means you only want to use part of the link provided by discord webhooks.
In order to enable a webhook, you want to set the matching config setting to True according to the following example:
Note that we will be using the chat webhook as an example but the exact same logic applies to every other GameReporter setting.

Create the chat webhook on your discord server according to the discord documentation. Fill up the config setting named


with the link you have just copy-pasted. Then, remove everything before the first numbers so your setting looks like the following:


and set the matching setting to True as follows:


With that set up, you will have an active Chat webhook. If you want, you can also have a custom "Profile Picture" URL for the webhook you have setup by using any URL to an image supported by Discord. You can do this by setting the Icon setting matching your webhook. For the chat example, this would do as follows:


Setting up a custom format for Webhooks

Most of the webhooks support a custom format that you can set up how you wish. The example provided [#Setting webhooks up|here] represents every parameter supported per custom formats. Every format supports Markdown according to discord's documentation, HOWEVER, for parsing purposes, the following are handled by special syntax:

  • [:x01] is a a Backtick (`)
  • \n is a backspace.