Skin Customization
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Skin Customization is a feature that allows players to create their own customized skins based on existing skin layouts, modifying their looks by altering colors and textures. This system is purely aesthetic and does not affect gameplay in any way.
Skins and Making Skins

Players get to customize their dinosaur in two different ways:
- As they spawn, the window to customize their skin will automatically show up once they selected the dinosaur to play as.
- Whenever they wish to modify their dinosaur while in-game, they can press "O" by default. However, this option will disappear once the player's creature has reached 0.8 growth (0.7 if they were nested).
Once this window is opened, players can select the skin they wish to wear using the box in front of the option labelled "Skin". Upon choosing a skin, several categories will appear below this box offering the player a diverse amount of color options. With this picker the player may:
- Choose the color itself (hue)
- Choose the alpha layer of this color (= more or less present)
- Choose the saturation of this color (from white to specified color)
- Choose its value (from pitch black to full vibrant)
To undo the color of their selected skin, double-click the name of the skin. This should reload the skin back to default colors. To save the customized skin to be used again for another time, select the "Save Skin" button.
Skins will not disappear when the creature has logged out. It will remain on the creature for as long as it lives.
There is also a button that allows players to make random, naturally appealing skins.
Types of Skin Customization
There are three different types of skins.
- Fully customizable skins - every part of the skin can be edited
- Semi-customizable skins - only certain parts of a skin can be edited
- Non-customizable skins - the skin cannot be edited beyond its default pattern
There are also exclusive skins for certain players or developers.
Skins and Nesting
Skins can be inherited by offspring through nesting. Offspring will have a combination of the parents' skins with some random variations.
- Albino - has a chance to happen on just a couple of skin parts and not all of them-
- Melanistic - has a chance to happen on just a couple of skin parts and not all of them
- Wildcard color mutation - can happen at any time on any layer
- Color Mutation - can happen at any time on any layer, drifts the color randomly around the hue ring (cannot exceed 1% of hue drift)
- Bioluminescent Mutation - A random skin layer becomes bioluminescent. This will affect stripes and similar patterns. This mutation has the same chance of happening on any skin. Rare.
List of all of the "fully clamped" skins, meaning skins that cannot obtain Bioluminescent mutations. Fully Clamped Skins for Bioluminescent:
- Apato - Default
- Elasmo - Default
- Lurdu - Default
- Lurdu - Marsh
- Pachy - Default
- Parasaur - Default
- Pteranodon - Default
- Saichania - Default
Why is (Insert Skin) unable to get Bioluminescent Mutations? Skins are clamped (aka prevented from mutating) when the layers that are available cover too much of the body or are located on the bottom three layers. Attention and care was taken to try and enable as many skins as possible for the Bio Mutations, however, there were some cases on older dinosaurs where this simply was not possible. After these animals are remodeled they will have more up to date skins and will be given skins which can always have at least 1 Bio Mutation Option.