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Ichthy swimming in the deep deep ocean.
Paleo Information
Name Meaning: Ichthyovenator
Species: I. laosensis
Time Period: Cretaceous
Height: 2.95 meters (9 feet 8 inches)
Length: 8.5 meters (27 feet)
Weight: 2 tonnes
Basic Information
Diet: Fish
Category: Piscivore
Stance: Bipedal
Family: Spinosauridae
In-Game Stats
Health: 825
Damage: 105 (Bite), 140 (Claws/Dart)
Stamina: 100
Food Capacity: 100 (130 if fat)
Growth Rate: 160min/2h 40min (50% comfort, food, water, food satiation and water satiation)
Resistance: 0.5 (lower is better)


The Ichthyovenator is a playable Piscivorous creature in Beasts of Bermuda. Though somewhat slow on land, it is adept at moving in water. It uses its great aquatic mobility for a variety of uses, such as catching fish, traveling long distances, initiating combat or make a swift escape from predators.

The Ichthyovenator is difficult for most predators to catch, as it can dive into the water when chased by larger terrestrial creatures, and scramble back onto the shoreline when approached by deep-sea threats. But be reminded that Ichthyovenator will not always flee its foes. Sometimes it will take them head-on. With its fast attack speed, the Ichthyovenator can easily take on threats its size, and in numbers, turn the tides against larger foes. _________________________________________________________


  • Secondary Attack: Two different attacks depending on if the Ichthyovenator is walking or swimming. When on land, it swipes its claws inwards, dealing higher damage than its primary attack but with significantly better range around its sides and feet, though it lacks forward reach. When in water, it darts forwards at incredible speeds, damaging anything it crosses along the way. The dart can also be used to jet out of the water and high into the air, whilst having some airborne control. Using the Secondary Attack when trapped inside the jaws of a Mosasaurus will allow the Ichthyovenator to struggle out of it, though it costs a high amount of ability power and injures the Ichthyovenator in the process
  • Bottom Walking: Ichthyovenator can walk along the seabed while underwater, which improves its healing rate, stamina regeneration rate, ability regeneration rate, increases the breath bar timer, and increases the speed boost gained from using dart. It also receives less of a movement speed penalty if carrying an object
  • Storm Lord: A buff that activates when swimming in water or during heavy rain, also stays active for a short period when leaving the water and walking on land. While swimming, Ichthyovenator gains a damage buff. On land, it also gains and additional speed buff. This ability deactivates when under 100% shelter when raining

  • Fish Scent: The Ichthyovenator can detect fish by using its scent key. It will highlight all nearby fish, making them much easier to spot



The Ichthyovenator is strong but does hold some weaknesses. In the water, a Kronosaurus may be able to swiftly ambush it before it even has a chance to react, and on land, it faces danger from the Tyrannosaurus rex and the Acrocanthosaurus, both of which are faster runners than the Ichthyovenator if Storm Lord is not active. Additionally, the Lurdusaurus can pose a threat to the Ichthyovenator, as in the water it can quickly dart into Icthyovenator, leaving it vulnerable due to Injury. Try to avoid straying to far inland, or be careful on who challenge in the murky depths.


Additional Notes

  • The Ichthyovenator has a shimmer skin, which glows in the dark. It was obtainable through an event in the Beasts of Bermuda Discord. This event is now over, and the skin cannot be unlocked by anyone else.



Butterfly Fish
Deep Sea
Fire Eel