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The chatbox is the primary means for players to communicate with each other during multiplayer play in Beasts of Bermuda. One can use the chatbox by pressing the chat keybind, which by default is set to the Enter key. Once the message has been typed in, the player must press Enter to send the message.

The chatbox has three different channels. White text is globally sent, allowing any player on the server to see the message. One can change to the global chat channel by typing /a before their message. Orange text is sent to ones pack or herd, and cannot be seen by outside players. To send a message to pack or herd chat, type /p or /h before your message. Last, blue text represents local chat messages. Any player nearby will be able to see this message, but players further away on the map will be unable to see it. Use /l to change to the local chat channel. If /p, /h, /a, or /l is unspecified, the chat channel will default to the previous channel the player was typing in. By default, this channel begins in the global chat channel.

This box is responsible for conveying much information to the player, beyond just chat messages.

  • It also displays friendship rank ups, color-coded to show the closeness of the friendship bond. It will also report any special buffs or bonuses associated with the friendship, excluding the benefits to comfort gained by forming a closer friendship bond.
  • It also displays pack-related information, such as when a member joins the pack, leaves the pack, or changes rank within the pack, as well as informs when you have received a pack invitation.
  • It also displays alarm messages associated with calls, and conveys information from the Megalosaurus' ability that allows it to see another player's stat.