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A Mosasaurus who has become beached

Beaching is a mechanic that all aquatic creatures suffer from. It causes the creature to become incredibly weakened when on land. While beached, turning speed and movement speed are drastically hindered, and comfort decreases at a rapid rate. Beaching generally results in death by comfort loss. Beached creatures are also easy prey for terrestrial predators.

Its very easy to become beached, and very difficult to get back into the water. It is recommended for all aquatic creatures to stay away from shallow shorelines to avoid risk of beaching.

Multiple mechanics make beaching hard to avoid. Some of these include receding tides, dropping water levels after a recent storm, or perhaps a nastily thirsty Apatosaurus who decided to drink your lake dry.

However, there are some abilities in the [Talent Tree] that reduce the harshness of beaching. Beachgoer increases the speed and turn radius of a beached creature, while Sunbather relieves much of the comfort loss

With 3 points in Sunbather, an aquatic creature can regenerate comfort while beached after a few seconds.