
From Beasts of Bermuda
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It looks like this page is missing something - or maybe a lot of things! Beasts of Bermuda, despite its recent player increase, has had a very loyal following that didn't require a Wiki for the most part because of how tight-knit its community is. This means this Wiki has gone unmaned for a while now! Fear not, however, for there are still many resources out there while we try to update this site, such as our New Player Guide or the Official Discord Server. See you out there on the islands!

Paleo Stats

Species: P. walkeri
Time Period: Cretaceous
Length: 9.5 meters (31 feet)
Weight: 2.5 tonnes (2.8 short tons)

Basic Information

Category: Herbivore
Diet: Plants

In-game Stats (Adult, Growth 1.0)

Health: 1200
Stamina: 120
Ability: 100
Comfort: 100
Base Food Capacity: 100
Overweight Food Capacity: 130
Water Capacity: 100
Oxygen Capacity: 100
Growth Rate: 2.5hrs (full food and water)
Weather Resistance: 0.7 (lower is better)
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes


Parasaurolophus is a medium sized herbivore and currently one of three ornithopods in the game, joined by the small Oryctodromeus and the semi-aquatic Lurdusaurus.

As a hadrosaur, the Parasaurolophus lacks the major offensive capabilities of the other herbivores currently in the game, though it can be just as dangerous as other dinosaurs if given the chance. Parasaurolophus' primary defense is to flee from large threats such as Acrocanthosaurus or Megalosaurus. It uses its superior speed and stamina to outlast them in a chase. If caught, a Parasaurolophus can take a number of hits before going down, allowing it to fight back against its assailants or possibly escape before death by tiring them out. Para is also known for its big udders.


  • Stomp
    • Default: RMB (Right Mouse Button)
    • Deals significant damage but costs a significant amount of ability power.
  • Headbutt
    • Default: LMB (Left Mouse Button)
    • An attack forward which does moderate damage for low ability power cost.
  • Warning Cry
    • Default: Z
    • The Parasaurolophus is able to lock on to enemies, emitting a sophisticated Warning Cry as well as highlighting the enemy for all members of its group.
    • The call varies depending on the severity of the threat, with a total of 3 tiers (Minor, Moderate, and Major threat).

Survival Tips

The Parasaurolophus is very speedy and has a large stamina pool. Use your speed and endurance as your first line of defense against a predator. The Parasaurolophus has moderate weather resistance. Only the most severe storms will pose danger to death by exposure. Your best defense is your speed rather than close combat against hungry adversaries.

Other Facts

Parasaurolophus falls prey to many species of carnivores, but a healthy adult is no pushover. Powerful legs and a considerable weight allow adults to severely injure, and possibly even kill, smaller carnivores that they cannot outrun.

The Parasaurolophus has a characteristic crest which it uses to communicate with herd members.

Crouch allows to toggle between quadruped and bipedal stances.

The Parasaurolophus is able to graze while moving at the same time, and is the only herbivore in the game that can do so.

For more information about the Parasaurolophus, watch this video.

Parasaurolophus received a remodel in the Deity Shrines, Trials, and Resurrections Patch (July 2021)

A herd of Parasaurolophus migrate along the beach during sunset.
