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It looks like this page is missing something - or maybe a lot of things! Beasts of Bermuda, despite its recent player increase, has had a very loyal following that didn't require a Wiki for the most part because of how tight-knit its community is. This means this Wiki has gone unmaned for a while now! Fear not, however, for there are still many resources out there while we try to update this site, such as our New Player Guide or the Official Discord Server. See you out there on the islands! |

A render of the completed Oryctodromeus and its baby morph, made by developer Cαllie. This is not an in-game screenshot.
Time Period: Cretaceous
Length: 2.1 meters (6.9 feet)
Weight: 33 kilograms (71 pounds)
Category: Herbivore
Diet: Plants
Sounds: Oryctodromeus Sounds
Stamina: 120
Ability: 100
Comfort: 100
Base Food Capacity: 100
Overweight Food Capacity: 130
Water Capacity: 100
Oxygen Capacity: 100
Growth Rate: 30min (full food and water)
Weather Resistance: 1.0 (lower is better
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes
Paleo Stats
Species: O. cubicularisTime Period: Cretaceous
Length: 2.1 meters (6.9 feet)
Weight: 33 kilograms (71 pounds)
Basic Information
Pronunciation: Or-ICK-toe-DRO-me-usCategory: Herbivore
Diet: Plants
Sounds: Oryctodromeus Sounds
In-Game Stats (Adult, 1.0)
Health: 100Stamina: 120
Ability: 100
Comfort: 100
Base Food Capacity: 100
Overweight Food Capacity: 130
Water Capacity: 100
Oxygen Capacity: 100
Growth Rate: 30min (full food and water)
Weather Resistance: 1.0 (lower is better
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes
The Oryctodromeus is a playable herbivore in Beasts of Bermuda, as well as one of the smallest playable creatures. It is an agile but frail creature that can burrow to create expansive and elaborate tunnel networks. A group of Oryctodromeus are capable of creating gargantuan caverns in a short amount of time.
Being at the bottom of the food chain, it often dies to larger creatures in one or two hits. But with access to some of the best terrestrial agility in the game (up next to Pachycephalosaurus and Velociraptor) and a blinding sand attack, it can be surprisingly difficult to catch.
- Peck
- Default: LMB (Left Mouse Button)
- A high DPS peck attack that deals a small amount of damage.
- Sand Attack
- Default: RMB (Right Mouse Button)
- An attack that kicks sand up into your opponent’s eyes to blind them, disable their jump, and slow their sprint speed by 40% for the duration of the effect. This also disables flight for pterosaurs.
- This attack has a diminishing return, lasting 50% its normal duration on the second Sand Attack, and 25% its normal duration on the third. After three Sand Attacks in a row, the target is immune to the effect for 18 seconds.
- Burrowing
- Default: Z
- Allows you to create a burrow entrance. Burrow entrances cannot be created too close to sea level, too close to a water source, or in rocks/caves. You can dig out tunnel nodes by right clicking, and replace dirt by left clicking. By default, 1x1 burrows can only fit juvenile creatures, other Oryctodromeus, and adult Velociraptors. However, you can expand your burrows to fit larger adult creatures.
- While burrowing, you may dig up various edible items and decorations. You can even farm edible items, if you wish.
- Your tunnels can be connected with other Oryctos' entrances and tunnels, allowing for some extremely advanced burrow structures.
- Burrows are entirely weather-proof, save for floods. If the water rises to meet your tunnels, you will be safely teleported to your most recently used burrow exit.
- Active burrow entrances can be scented and identified by their small plumes of purple smoke. An active burrow is one that's been used within the last 8 minutes.
- Burrows will completely despawn after 72 hours of inactivity. To reset this timer, any Orycto must dig out a tunnel node inside the burrow.
- If your tunnels are completely blocked off from any burrow entrances, you will receive a massive comfort debuff (Stale Air) from the lack of oxygen circulation.
Survival Tips
- Oryctodromeus must leave their burrows for water and food. Investing in making farms is a good idea which can include cucumber farms, salt farms and potato farms. These will allow the Oryctodromeus to stay in their burrow for longer periods of time. Cucumbers provide water saturation, Salt helps balance your diet and potatoes provide food.
- A single Oryctodromeus can create 2 burrow entrances by default. Hide one of your burrow entrances under the cover of foliage and save it for emergencies.
- Oryctodromeus is somewhat slow, but it also has some of the best agility. Use this to your advantage by outmaneuvering your opponents. If you're being chased, don't run away in a straight line.
- Oryctodromeus is significantly stronger inside of its burrows. Creatures that are not Orycto will have their damage cut down by 50% while underground. They will also suffer a large comfort debuff from Claustrophobia.
- Creating your burrows on high ground may prevent storms from flooding you out.
- Oryctodromeus has the combat talent “Sharp Teeth”, making it a possible threat to large creatures.
- Never try to cross an ocean. You will die, if not to an aquatic, then some random Pteranodon.
- Oryctodromeus is a donor creature, and is one of the longest awaited confirmed creatures.
- Oryctodromeus was originally considered for having a feathered and scaly customization option, but this idea was later scrapped in favor of a scaly model with quills.
- One of the lead developers (Predatoria) has confirmed that burrowing is the most complex mechanic in the entire game, along with being the most difficult codework he's ever done. Burrowing and Oryctodromeus were finally completed and released after nearly two years of work on August 10th, 2020.
- Much like Apatosaurus, Saichania, and Velociraptor, Orycto is completely immune to injury damage.
- Oryctodromeus's model was created by developer Cαllie.
- Orycto has had a total of 1 model update. (From the old model by Manuelsaurus to Cαllie's current model.)