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It looks like this page is missing something - or maybe a lot of things! Beasts of Bermuda, despite its recent player increase, has had a very loyal following that didn't require a Wiki for the most part because of how tight-knit its community is. This means this Wiki has gone unmaned for a while now! Fear not, however, for there are still many resources out there while we try to update this site, such as our New Player Guide or the Official Discord Server. See you out there on the islands! |
Additionally, Velociraptor is due a remodel soon at the time of writing this. A lot, if not most of the following information may or may not become useless next update or the one after - if it isn't already. |

Paleo Stats
Species: V. mongoliensisTime Period: Cretaceous
Length: 2.07 meters (6.8 feet)
Weight: 19.7 kilograms (43 pounds)
Basic Information
Pronunciation: vĕl-AW-sĭh-rap-terCategory: Carnivore
Diet: Meat
Sounds: Pending
In-game Stats (Adult, 1.0)
Health: 100Damage: 30
Stamina: 150
Ability: 100
Comfort: 100
Base Food Capacity: 100
Overweight Food Capacity: 130
Water Capacity: 100
Oxygen Capacity: 100
Growth Rate: 30min (full food and water)
Weather Resistance: 1.0 (lower is better)
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes
The Velociraptor is a playable carnivore in Beasts of Bermuda. It's one of the smallest playable creatures in the game, rivaled only by the Oryctodromeus.
The small stature of the Velociraptor gives it a plethora of advantages, such as squeezing through rocks, surviving immensely high falls, climbing trees, and most importantly, staying hidden. It can also jump at incredible heights: the highest of all creatures, and is even able to control the direction of its jump while in mid-air, allowing it to almost glide in the direction it chooses. Its high stamina pool most definitely compliments this feature. Such survivability allows it to explore a flexible range of different playstyles, be it a skittish scavenger, an egg thief, or a hunter of larger creatures.
- Bite
- Default: LMB (Left Mouse Button)
- A high DPS bite that deals a small amount of damage.
- Pounce
- Default: RMB (Right Mouse Button)
- A chargeable jump that will send the Velociraptor leaping forward at great speeds, largely ignoring any carried weight. This ability is very stamina-expensive.
- Climb
- Default: E (Interact Button)
- By double-tapping E on a surface, the Velociraptor will attach to it and be given the option to climb upwards (W), slide downwards (S), move from side-to-side (A and D), and detach by pressing E again. This ability does not cost Ability Power or Stamina. Climbing surfaces while carrying food or objects is permitted.
- If the Velociraptor does not have at least 1 limb on the surface of which it's climbing, it will detach automatically and fall to the ground.
- There is currently a bug where sliding all the way to the bottom of a climbable surface might mesh the Velociraptor through the map. Exit climbing before touching the bottom to avoid this.
Survival Tips
- Velociraptor possesses a fairly weak bite at base, however, investing in the talent "Sharp Teeth" allows a great boost in damage toward larger creatures (everything, except Oryctodromeus).
- Against Velociraptors, consider investing in the talent "Thick Hide" to reduce the amount of damage you take from smaller creatures.
- Velociraptor excels at invading and raiding Oryctodromeus burrows. It can further bolster its burrow-raiding capabilities with the "Vigilance" talent, reducing the damage and comfort debuffs received when underground, as well as extending the vision range beyond the underground fog.
- Velociraptor has a wide range of playstyle options, including but not limited to:
- Nest Raider - Utilizing the "Nest Raider" talents, the Velociraptor can easily prey upon other creatures' offspring.
- Scavenger - By solely eating carcasses, the Velociraptor rarely needs to hunt. It may even thieve off kills made by other carnivores.
- Bird Killer - Utilizing the "Wing Tear" and "Acrobat" talents, the Velociraptor can jump into the sky and bring down Fliers with ease.
- Apex Hunter - With the talent "Sharp Teeth", some friends, and a lot of patience, the Velociraptor can whittle down large apexes.
- Although it has a fairly fast metabolism, it can fill up on even the smallest carcasses.
- There are plans to update the feathering on the Velociraptor's current model. This is not a top-priority change, though.
- The Velociraptor once had the ability to latch onto other creatures, but this was quickly removed due to bugs.
- Before the September 2020 (9/6/2020) QoL patch, Velociraptors were completely immune to fall damage after growth level 2.8.
- Along with Apatosaurus, Saichania, and Oryctodromeus, Velos are immune to injury damage.