
Ability UI
Ability Power, Ability, or, as some players have come to call it, Bite Juice, is a combat-based, short-term resource used to execute most attacks or special typed abilities in Beasts of Bermuda. All creatures have base 100 ability power. Ability doesn't scale beyond 1.2 growth.
Consuming Ability Power
Most primary attacks and secondary attacks consume ability power when used. Primary attacks are often more direct and obvious in how they consume Ability Power, whereas secondary attacks may be more complicated and convoluted.
- Many creatures have a standard bite, stomp, or other form of attack used for inflicting physical harm to a potential predator, prey, or competitor. These consume ability power upon use. In some encounters, most notably dueling Mosasaurus, careful use of bite will often determine the victor. When a player has insufficient Ability Power, they will be unable to use these attacks.
- Grabs will consume Ability Power, both instantly upon use and over time while the grab persists. Larger creatures often consume the grabbing creature's Ability Power more quickly than smaller ones. When Ability Power is exhausted, the grabbing creature will let go of its prey. Thrashing prey consumes no additional Ability Power.
- Latched creatures will consume Ability Power at a constant rate while the latch persists. Unlike grabbing, latching always consumes the same amount of Ability Power regardless of the host's size. A latched creature can increase the rate at which they drain their Ability Power by biting their host, as the bite incurs the same Ability Power cost as it regularly would. When Ability Power is exhausted, a latched creature will detach from its host.
- Some creatures such as the Parasaurolophus have more unique abilities that consume Ability Power, such as its alarm call. Its secondary attack is activated when the right mouse button is released, consuming Ability Power.
Recharging Ability Power
Ability Power recharges at a rate of 2 points per second under regular circumstances, though there are many ways players can alter the regenerative rate of this resource.
- Comfort plays a moderate role in influencing the rate at which a player regenerates Ability Power, increasing or decreasing its regenerative rate by up to + or - 33%.
- Sitting or sleeping allows a player to moderately increase the rate at which they regenerate Ability Power, improving regeneration rate by 20% and 44%, respectively.
- Thirst influences the regeneration rate of Ability Power. Fully hydrated players will see their Ability Power regenerate 15% faster, whereas dehydrated players will see a 15% slower regeneration rate.
- Hunger influences the regeneration rate of Ability Power. Fully fed players will see their Ability Power regenerate 15% faster, whereas dehydrated players will see a 15% slower regeneration rate.