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It looks like this page is missing something - or maybe a lot of things! Beasts of Bermuda, despite its recent player increase, has had a very loyal following that didn't require a Wiki for the most part because of how tight-knit its community is. This means this Wiki has gone unmaned for a while now! Fear not, however, for there are still many resources out there while we try to update this site, such as our New Player Guide or the Official Discord Server. See you out there on the islands! |

Offical Render of Kronosaurus
Time Period: Cretaceous
Length: 10.5 meters (34 feet)
Weight: 11 tonnes (12 short tons)
Diet: Carnivore (Meat)
Sounds: Pending (Missing 4 and 5 calls)
Stamina: 100
Ability: 120
Base Food Capacity: 150
Overweight Food Capacity: 210
Growth Rate: 4hrs (full food and water)
Weather Resistance: 0.1 (best wr)
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes
Paleo Stats
Species: K. queenslandicusTime Period: Cretaceous
Length: 10.5 meters (34 feet)
Weight: 11 tonnes (12 short tons)
Basic Information
Category: AquaticDiet: Carnivore (Meat)
Sounds: Pending (Missing 4 and 5 calls)
In-game Stats (Adult, Growth 1.0)
Health: 1700Stamina: 100
Ability: 120
Base Food Capacity: 150
Overweight Food Capacity: 210
Growth Rate: 4hrs (full food and water)
Weather Resistance: 0.1 (best wr)
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes
The Kronosaurus is a playable aquatic creature in Beasts of Bermuda. It has incredible short-range dashing speed, making it a profound ambush predator. However, its sprinting speed is mediocre in comparison to other aquatic creatures, limiting its overall mobility.
Nonetheless, it is regarded as one of the strongest predators in the game, as it can instantly cripple any target with a single lunge, lowering their mobility and preventing any kind of escape. An adult Kronosaurus will just about hunt anything in the water, from Mosasaurus to Elasmosaurus, to even terrestrial creatures who decide to take swim.
- Bite
- Default: LMB (Left Mouse Button)
- A large bite, inflicting high damage and injury.
- Lunge
- Default: RMB (Right Mouse Button)
- Upon holding down the secondary attack button, an icon appears on the screen resembling an empty bar, which begins to slowly fill up; The Kronosaurus is preparing to lunge for massive damage! The more the bar is filled, the more damage it will do when unleashed. While charging, aim can be adjusted with the movement keys. Unleash the charge to send the Kronosaurus rapidly forward, severely damaging and injuring anything it rams into along the way. A charge will automatically be unleashed if ability power runs out while charging.
- Elusiveness
- Default: X (Special Key)
- Instantly vanish into a near-invisible state. Ability power and stamina cannot regenerate while Elusiveness is active. Costs a large amount of ability power and stamina. You must first unlock this talent in order to utilize it.
- Keen Senses
Survival Tips
- Elusiveness is great for keeping the Kronosaurus hidden during its juvenile stage, and as an ambush tool once adult stage is reached.
- An adult Kronosaurus has formidable depth pressure resistance, and can comfortably retreat into very deep water to escape other predators.
- Kronosaurus, as with all other aquatic creatures in the game, suffers heavy mobility loss as well as comfort drain when beached. Additionally, the Kronosaurus is considerably slower than all other aquatic creatures in the game (except when lunging).
- Failing to land a hit with a Lunge could potentially spell death for Kronosaurus of any size. Take caution not to accidentally beach yourself with it, or miss the lunge on a target and recklessly reveal yourself.
Additional Notes
- The cheap ability power cost of the lunge was once a major issue. Though its sprint speed was slow (as intended), its ability power regeneration was very high at older stages of growth, allowing the Kronosaurus to continuously use the lunge ability with little delay so it could catch up to fast creatures. This is no longer possible due to an ability power regeneration nerf. However, the Kronosaurus is still able to reach unbelievable lunging speeds as an elder, so don't ever be fooled thinking a Kronosaurus has lost you in a chase - it may just be still charging up its lunge!