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It looks like this page is missing something - or maybe a lot of things! Beasts of Bermuda, despite its recent player increase, has had a very loyal following that didn't require a Wiki for the most part because of how tight-knit its community is. This means this Wiki has gone unmaned for a while now! Fear not, however, for there are still many resources out there while we try to update this site, such as our New Player Guide or the Official Discord Server. See you out there on the islands! |

Paleo Stats
Species: E. platyurusTime Period: Cretaceous
Length: 10.3 meters (34 feet)
Weight: 2 tonnes (2.2 short tons)
Basic Information
Category: AquaticDiet: Fish, Meat
In-game Stats (Adult, Growth 1.0)
Health: 625Stamina: 135
Ability: 100
Base Food Capacity: 100
Overweight Food Capacity: 140
Growth Rate: Average
Weather Resistance: Extremely High
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes
The Elasmosaurus is a playable aquatic creature in Beasts of Bermuda. It is a very versatile swimmer, and can utilize its great mobility for a variety of situations.
It is piscivorous, meaning it specializes in eating fish. The Elasmosaurus can consume fish with ease thanks to its very long attack range, as well as its special ability to automatically bite any target within the vicinity of its attack range. Finding fish is not a problem for it either, as it can reveal the location of fish from far away by holding down the scent key.
The Elasmosaurus is the third-fastest creature in the game, only beaten in speed by the Pteranodon and Tropeognathus The Elasmosaurus can use this extreme swimming speed to dodge its opponents and best them in combat with hit-and-run tactics, and it even has the ability to grab and drown flying prey in a similar fashion to the Mosasaurus. In some cases, a group of Elasmosaurus may take down prey as big as a Kronosaurus!
Unique Attributes: The Elasmosaurus has an automatic aiming system. It will always strike targets within its attack radius without having to directly face them. Additionally, by using the scent key, the Elasmosaurus will highlight fish from far away, making them much easier to locate.
- Bite
- Default: LMB (Left Mouse Button)
- A quick bite, inflicting damage and minor injury.
- Dart
- Default: RMB (Right Mouse Button)
- A burst of speed that allows the user to briefly rocket forwards, inflicting damage to any creature it comes into contact with during the duration of the charge. Can be used to struggle out of the grab of a Mosasaurus, at the cost of self-inflicted damage and injury. Costs a large amount of ability power and stamina.
- Aerial Ambush
- Default: Z (Ability Key)
- The Elasmosaurus can grab flying creatures by holding the ability key next to them. As the victim is held, Ability power will slowly deplete (meaning you cannot hold them forever), and you are not able to attack the grabbed victim. However, you can drown the victim by dragging them deep underwater. You must first unlock this talent in order to utilize it.
- Elusiveness
- Default: X (Special Key)
- Instantly vanish into a near-invisible state. Ability power and stamina cannot regenerate while Elusiveness is active. Costs a large amount of ability power and stamina. You must first unlock this talent in order to utilize it.
- Like all aquatic creatures, it can die from beaching itself.
- The Ichthyovenator is similar in speed to the Elasmosaurus, and can chase it with some success.
- It is currently the only creature that has an auto-aim mechanic.
- The Elasmosaurus of Beasts of Bermuda is incredibly similar to 19th century depictions of Elasmosaurus, having a snake-like neck and the ability to crawl on land. In reality, its neck was incredibly stiff and it never left the ocean.
- Creating the Elasmosaurus and transforming it into a practical creature for gameplay was an extremely difficult endeavor, mostly due to the programming for its neck.
- It is the slowest aquatic when beached on land.