Exclusive skins

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Exclusive Skins are unique skins that were obtainable by the player through special means. Only a limited number of Exclusive Skins are given out to particular players, such as developers and pre-release donators.

Players who do not own Exclusive Skins can still acquire one if one or both of their dinosaur’s parents have them. If one parent has the skin, the offspring has a chance to inherit layers from the exclusive skin. If both parents have the skin, then it is a 100% chance to inherit aspects of the exclusive skin. The offspring cannot use the skin again if it dies.

At the moment, there are fourteen Exclusive Skins:

  • Senoba’s Rex - Exclusive to Senoba, a former map maker and animator)
  • Rook’s Pteranodon (Exclusive to Rook, a Developer)
  • Callie's Apatosaurus (Exclusive to Callie, the creator of some dinosaur models)
  • Glimmer Megalosaurus (Pre-release donor exclusive)
  • Glimmer Mosasaurus (Pre-release donor exclusive)
  • Glimmer Apatosaurus (Pre-release donor exclusive)
  • Glimmer Acrocanthosaurus (Pre-release donor exclusive)
  • Glimmer Tyrannosaurus (Pre-release donor exclusive)
  • Glimmer Saichania (Exclusive to Howdn, an Ex-Moderator, who funded the creation of the Saichania)
  • Glimmer Oryctodromeus (Exclusive to Mexymii, a Twitch Moderator and an Ex-Head Moderator)
  • Glimmer Tropeognathus (Exclusive to TurboTurkey, but Tropeognathus is currently unavailable)
  • Phantom Shimmer Pteranodon (Event contest prize)
  • Magma Shimmer Saichania (Event participant reward)
  • Firefly Shimmer Ichthyovenator (Event participant reward)

Note: "Glimmer" denotes a donor skin, while "Shimmer" denotes an event prize skin.

Developer-exclusive Skins

  • The Sen Rex is a non-customizable, Tyrannosaurus rex skin with a white marking around its face, resembling a skull. It is exclusive to the developer Senoba.
    The Sen Rex at night.
  • The Rook Pteranodon is a non-customizable, Pteranodon skin that superficially resembles a mechanical pteranodon. It is exclusive to the developer Rook.
  • Callie's Apatosaurus is a non-customizable, Apatosaurus skin that is grey and covered with black, rune-like markings. The rune-like markings on its head, neck, and underbelly glow a vibrant orange. It is exclusive to the modeler Callie.

Donor-exclusive Skins

"Glimmer" skins are aptly named after their ability to glow in the dark. Glimmers are no longer obtainable (you had to donate enough back BEFORE the game was released on Steam in order to actually own the skins), and at this time can only be gotten temporarily through being nested by someone who is wearing the skin.

  • The Glimmer Megalosaurus skin is only available for players who donated for the Mighty Megalosaurus rank, which was $70. It is no longer purchasable.
  • The Glimmer Acrocanthosaurus skin is only available for players who donated for the Accredited Acrocanthosaurus rank, which was $120. It is no longer purchasable.
  • The Glimmer Mosasaurus skin is only available for players who donated for the Menacing Mosasaurus rank, which was $600. It is no longer purchasable.
  • The Glimmer Tyrannosaurus rex skin is only available for players who donated for the Terrifying Tyrannosaurus rank, which was $1000. It is no longer purchasable.
  • The Glimmer Apatosaurus skin is only available for players who donated for the Amazing Apatosaurus rank, which was $2,800. Players who donated for the Amazing Apatosaurus rank not only received the Glimmer Apatosaurus skin, but could request for a creature of their choice to be added to the game. At the moment, this rank can still be purchased and you can request your own creature, but you won't get the Glimmer Apatosaurus skin - instead you will eventually receive the glimmer skin of the creature you requested!
    The pre-release donor-exclusive Glimmer Megalosaurus skin, showcasing its vibrant glow in a dark cave.

Event-exclusive Skins

"Shimmer" skins are also named after their ability to glow in the dark.

The Phantom Shimmer Pteranodon skin was only available as an event prize for players who participated and won in the Pteranodon Video Contest which ran from May 30th 2019 to June 30th 2019. This makes it the first glowing skin to not be part of a donated rank. Originally, this skin was also named Glimmer, and had a non-glowing variant, though this was scrapped, and it was renamed later to label the difference between event skins, and donator exclusive skins.

The Magma Shimmer Saichania skin was only available as the event reward for the participants of the Saichania Video Event which ran from December 31st 2019 to January 31st 2020.

The Firefly Shimmer Ichthyovenator skin was only available as the event reward for the participants of the Ichthyovenator Video Event, which ran from June 25th 2020 to July 25th 2020.

The Boa Shimmer Oryctodromeus skin was only available as the event reward for the participants of the Oryctodromeus Video Event, which ran from August 23rd 2020 to September 23rd 2020. Although, it has been mentioned that if any players have had to evacuate due to the hurricane, they would need to make a claim in the Beasts of Bermuda discord. These players would be able to receive one additional month to build an entry, and send it in with the claimed Steam ID.

Upcoming Exclusive Skins

The Glimmer Tropeognathus will be released in the future, but only for the player named TurboTurkey, who began the funding for the creature.

In the future, it is fairly likely that other creatures will get Shimmer skins if they do not have one (Excluding Glimmer, which have been previously mentioned as unlikely to get a Shimmer). Similarly to the Video Contests, future community events may give them out - so if you wish to obtain one, stay sharp!