
Paleo Stats
Species: K. queenslandicusTime Period: Cretaceous
Length: 10.5 meters (34 feet)
Weight: 11 tonnes (12 short tons)
Basic Information
Category: AquaticDiet: Carnivore (Meat)
In-game Stats (Adult, Growth 1.0)
Health: 1700Stamina: 100
Ability: 120
Base Food Capacity: 150
Overweight Food Capacity: 210
Growth Rate: Slow Weather Resistance: Extremely High
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes
Russian Translation available / Русский перевод здесь
The Kronosaurus is a playable aquatic creature in Beasts of Bermuda. It has incredible short-range dashing speed, making it a profound ambush predator. However, since its sprinting speed is very mediocre, it's not good at chasing.
Nonetheless, it is regarded as one of the most dreaded predators in the game, as it can almost kill many creatures with a single strike. For those who survive its strike, they will be left severely crippled, allowing the Kronosaurus to strike again and land a finishing blow.
Its biggest rival is the Mosasaurus, which is also an extremely deadly aquatic predator that competes for the same food source.
Kronosaurus is not a piscivore, so eating fish will cause it to lose comfort (unless a certain talent is maxed out).
- Primary Attack: The Kronosaurus performs a quick, but very powerful bite. This attack costs a moderately high amount of ability power, letting it bite up to 6 times before all its ability power is depleted.
- Secondary Attack: Upon holding down the Secondary Attack button, an icon appears on the screen resembling an empty bar, which begins to slowly fill up; The Kronosaurus is preparing to strike for massive damage. The more the bar is filled, the more damage it will do when unleashed (maximum charge is indicated by a flashing blue color) and the further it will launch the Kronosaurus. Upon letting go of the Secondary Attack button, the Kronosaurus launches forward, damaging anything it rams into along the way. Charging requires an immense amount of ability power. The longer the charge is charged, the more ability power it will take. A charge will automatically be unleashed if ability power runs out while charging.
The Kronosaurus' immense strength is offset by its terribly sluggish swim speed. Its charge attack doesn't solve this either, as the initial charge-up requires the Kronosaurus to be immobile for the first few seconds. This makes the Kronosaurus quite vulnerable to fast attackers, especially those that gather in large groups, such as the Elasmosaurus and Pteranodon, since the Kronosaurus can neither chase or escape from them due to their faster speed. The Kronosaurus' only hope against these attackers is to predict their movement and retaliate with good timing.
However, the Kronosaurus' biggest threat of all is the Mosasaurus, as it is capable of killing the Kronosaurus just as much as the Kronosaurus is capable of killing it.
As is the case for all aquatic creature, the Kronosaurus can become beached if it's not aware with the changes in tide level, or clumsily jumps onto the land.
Additional Notes
- The Kronosaurus is the largest creature with the Elusive talent, which lets it become almost invisible to other players. However, due to its expensive requirements, it may not be worth the time unlocking.
- Of all the aquatic creatures, the Kronosaurus is the slowest, and leaps the shortest too.