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A pair of Velociraptors vocalizing on a rock. (Screenshot by unknown.)

Paleo Stats

Species: V. mongoliensis
Time Period: Cretaceous
Length: 2.07 meters (6.8 feet)
Weight: 19.7 kilograms (43 pounds)

Basic Information

Pronunciation: vĕl-AW-sĭh-rap-ter
Category: Carnivore
Diet: Meat
Sounds: Pending

In-game Stats (Adult, 1.0)

Health: 100
Damage: 30
Stamina: 150
Ability: 100
Comfort: 100
Base Food Capacity: 100
Overweight Food Capacity: 130
Water Capacity: 100
Oxygen Capacity: 100
Growth Rate: 30min (full food and water)
Weather Resistance: 1.0 (lower is better)
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes
The old Velociraptor screaming defiantly at the camera. (Screenshot by unknown.)
The old Velociraptor clinging to the belly of an old Apatosaurus. (Screenshot by Lizardian.)


The Velociraptor is a playable carnivore in Beasts of Bermuda. It's one of the smallest playable creatures in the game, rivaled only by the Oryctodromeus.

The small stature of the Velociraptor gives it a plethora of advantages, such as squeezing through rocks, surviving immensely high falls, climbing trees, and most importantly, staying hidden. It can also jump at incredible heights: the highest of all creatures, and is even able to control the direction of its jump while in mid-air, allowing it to almost glide in the direction it chooses. Its high stamina pool most definitely compliments this feature. Such survivability allows it to explore a flexible range of different playstyles, be it a skittish scavenger, an egg thief, or a hunter of larger creatures.


  • Bite
    • Default: LMB (Left Mouse Button)
    • A high DPS bite that deals a small amount of damage.
  • Pounce
    • Default: RMB (Right Mouse Button)
    • A chargeable jump that will send the Velociraptor leaping forward at great speeds, largely ignoring any carried weight. This ability is very stamina-expensive.
  • Climb
    • Default: E (Interact Button)
    • By double-tapping E on a surface, the Velociraptor will attach to it and be given the option to climb upwards (W), slide downwards (S), move from side-to-side (A and D), and detach by pressing E again. This ability does not cost Ability Power or Stamina. Climbing surfaces while carrying food or objects is permitted.
    • If the Velociraptor does not have at least 1 limb on the surface of which it's climbing, it will detach automatically and fall to the ground.
    • There is currently a bug where sliding all the way to the bottom of a climbable surface might mesh the Velociraptor through the map. Exit climbing before touching the bottom to avoid this.

Survival Tips

  • Velociraptor possesses a fairly weak bite at base, however, investing in the talent "Sharp Teeth" allows a great boost in damage toward larger creatures (everything, except Oryctodromeus).
    • Against Velociraptors, consider investing in the talent "Thick Hide" to reduce the amount of damage you take from smaller creatures.
  • Velociraptor excels at invading and raiding Oryctodromeus burrows. It can further bolster its burrow-raiding capabilities with the "Vigilance" talent, reducing the damage and comfort debuffs received when underground, as well as extending the vision range beyond the underground fog.
  • Velociraptor has a wide range of playstyle options, including but not limited to:
    • Nest Raider - Utilizing the "Nest Raider" talents, the Velociraptor can easily prey upon other creatures' offspring.
    • Scavenger - By solely eating carcasses, the Velociraptor rarely needs to hunt. It may even thieve off kills made by other carnivores.
    • Bird Killer - Utilizing the "Wing Tear" and "Acrobat" talents, the Velociraptor can jump into the sky and bring down Fliers with ease.
    • Apex Hunter - With the talent "Sharp Teeth", some friends, and a lot of patience, the Velociraptor can whittle down large apexes.
  • Thanks to Velociraptor's small size, it can find shelter from storms almost anywhere.
  • Although it has a fairly fast metabolism, it can fill up on even the smallest carcasses.


  • There are plans to update the feathering on the Velociraptor's current model. This is not a top-priority change, though.
  • The Velociraptor once had the ability to latch onto other creatures, but this was quickly removed due to bugs.
  • Before the September 2020 (9/6/2020) QoL patch, Velociraptors were completely immune to fall damage after growth level 2.8.
  • Along with Apatosaurus, Saichania, and Oryctodromeus, Velos are immune to injury damage.