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A pair of Elasmosaurus swimming in the open Ocean

Paleo Stats

Species: E. platyurus
Time Period: Cretaceous
Length: 10.3 meters (34 feet)
Weight: 2 tonnes (2.2 short tons)

Basic Information

Category: Aquatic
Diet: Fish, Meat

In-game Stats (Adult, Growth 1.0)

Health: 625
Stamina: 135
Ability: 100
Comfort: 100
Base Food Capacity: 100
Overweight Food Capacity: 140
Oxygen Capacity: 100
Growth Rate: TBD
Weather Resistance: TBD
Can be picked up by a tornado: Yes



The Elasmosaurus is a aquatic creature in Beasts of Bermuda. Though it does not possess the high health and damage of the Mosasaurus or the Kronosaurus, it is currently the fastest swimmer in the game.

It is piscivorous, meaning specialises at eating fish. It can echolocate to reveal their location, as well as snatch them up with ease due to its very high attack range, which makes it so that it almost always hits its target.

But it can always choose a much more aggressive style of play. It has the ability to choke and drown its opponents in a similarly gruesome fashion to the Mosasaurus, and adding to that is its surprisingly versatile skill tree. It can shift into a nearly-invisible state that allows it to swim undetected, reduce a victim's comfort to 0 in a second's worth of notice or even leap over entire landmass to access new bodies of water, making its gameplay very flexible and almost somewhat unpredictable.



Unique Signature Attribute: The Elasmosaurus has an automatic aiming system, so it will almost always strike its targets when they are within its attack radius.

  • primary attack: A quick bite, on par with raptors and other small creatures.
  • secondary attack: A long-range dash that causes the Elasmosaurus to briefly rocket forwards at incredible speeds, which can be used jump out of the water (though caution is advised doing this near beaches as the Elasmosaurus can become beached). This is very similar to the Mosasaurus' secondary attack.
  • Special Ability: A grab attack that can pick up creatures. The Elasmosaurus can only pick up creatures smaller than it. Pressing the primary attack button while holding a creature will cause the Elasmosaurus to thrash its victim around, dealing damage. The Elasmosaurus can continue thrashing for as long as it has ability power, which will consistently decrease as the victim is held. Creatures such as the Velociraptor are small enough to be swallowed whole by executing its secondary attack.

Unique Attribute: The Elasmosaurus can echolocate by using its short call (Default button is 2). It will highlight all nearby fish, making them much easier to spot. It also has an automatic aiming system, so it will almost always strike its opponents when they are within a certain radius of it.



The Elasmosaurus is rather fragile, having relatively low HP for its size. It also starts the game as a very vulnerable creature, and like all aquatic creatures, it can die from beaching itself.

The Elasmosaurus is also susceptible to being preyed upon by the Mosasaurus and the Kronosaurus. However, The Elasmosaurus is faster and has more stamina than the two, allowing it to dodge their attacks and, if needed, defend itself by retaliating back. Multiple Elasmosaurs can also deter predation, as they are very strong in numbers.


Additional Notes

  • It is currently the only creature that as an auto-aim mechanic.
  • Creating the Elasmosaurus and transforming it into a practical creature for gameplay was a difficult endeavor, mostly due to its long neck. A development blog post was created on the topic here.