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== What is Beasts of Bermuda? ==
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In Beasts of Bermuda, you play as a prehistoric creature native to the mysterious islands of Bermuda: a tropical ecosystem absent from any human contact. With its proneness to storms, forest fires and shifting tides, Bermuda is an ever-changing ecosystem.  
<center><div style="background-color:#26746E;width:40%;border-radius:10px 10px 10px 10px;text-align:center;"><big><span style="font-size:200%;color:white;">'''Welcome to the {{SITENAME}} Wiki'''</span></big></div></center>
Choose from up to 18 playable creatures, herbivore or carnivore, and battle your way through the severities of [[Food|hunger]], [[Thirst|thirst]], [[Comfort|stress]] and predation, which constantly threaten your survival. Play whatever suits you best, whether it be a flying, swimming or running creature, and thrive the islands.
<center><div style="font-size:120%;width:400px;background-color:#72928f;border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px;text-align:center;color:white;padding:10px;">A fan-run Wiki for the dinosaur survival game, Beasts of Bermuda!We are currently under maintanence as we work to update this site once more. Feel free to join the Wiki's [https://discord.gg/DWEuH78Zda Discord Server] for more information or to help us.</div></center>
It is currently under development, and is set to release on December 21st 2018 as a primarily multiplayer server experience.
== What does Beasts of Bermuda offer? ==
<center>This wiki currently has [[Special:Statistics|'''{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} articles''']] and [[Special:Statistics|'''{{NUMBEROFFILES}} files''']]'''</center><br>
Beasts of Bermuda offers the experience of playing in unique niches as an aquatic, flying, or terrestrial creature. Certain creatures specialise in unique gameplay. For instance, piscivores offer a different lifestyle to traditional carnivores as they are both adept at [[Swimming|swimming]] and running.
It also offers unique map elements.  Whether you're seeking a cave for shelter from a [[Weather|storm]], waiting for the [[Tidal System|tide]] to drop in order to walk across to a new island, or migrating to avoid a [[Weather|forest fire]] or depleted [[Freshwater Lakes|watering hole]], the map is always changing and the world is alive.
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Featured Articles:
The playable creatures in Beasts of Bermuda all have their own unique [[Abilities|abilities]]. Some can [[Grabbing|grab]], others can [[Pouncing|pounce]]. Some can even climb up walls. Large carnivores can sniff for prey, and herbivores have special bonuses for herding together. Every animal is different in Beasts of Bermuda, and a lot of effort has been put into making them fun [[mechanics]] to enjoy.
[[File:New_player_guide_V2_B.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/New_Player_Guide|600px|New Player Guide]]
[[Comfort|Comfort]] is a unique mechanic to Beasts of Bermuda. Comfort determines how healthy your creature is. At its highest peak, a creature can grow well and healthy. At low comfort, however, a creature becomes [[Comfort|stressed]] and may die. [[Comfort|Stress]] can be caused (but is not limited to) by standing near too many carnivores, exposure to a harsh storm or losing too much health.
Beasts of Bermuda also gives players free choice of how they want to look. [[Skin Customization|Skins]] are completely customisable, allowing the player a free range of colour choices, whether it be for camouflage or dazzle. Additionally, the [[Talent tree|talent]] mechanic lets a creature level-up and spend points into different kinds of play styles, such as extra health or speed.
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Breeding is also available; offspring will be mixtures of their parent's corresponding skins and colors as well as occasionally sporting leucistic or melanistic traits.
Many different challenges are always present on the islands of Bermuda that threaten survival. One must find [[Food|food]] and quench their [[Thirst]] in the ever changing environment. Different animals the player can choose from having different means of obtaining food. Some are [[Carnivorous Creatures|carnivores]], needing to hunt and eat other players to survive. Other creatures are [[Herbivorous Creatures|herbivores]], and thus have a more peaceful means of eating. [[Piscivorous Creatures|Piscivores]] are a mix, being capable of eating other players, or eating [[Fish|fish]] for survival. Along with the necessities from day to day survival, mother nature is always at your heels with unpredictable [[Weather]], keeping the game interesting and entertaining to play.
<div style="display:inline-block;width:300px;vertical-align:top;background:#26746E;border-radius:25px 25px 25px 25px;padding:5px;margin-right:10px;margin-left:10px;">Carnivores<br>
[[File:Ichthyovenator MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Ichthyovenator|300px|Ichthyovenator]]<br>
[[File:Kaprosuchus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Kaprosuchus|300px|Kaprosuchus]]<br>
[[File:Wiehenvenator MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Wiehenvator|300px|Wiehenvenator]]<br>
[[File:Megaraptor MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Megaraptor|300px|Megaraptor]]<br>
[[File:Tyrannosaurus Rex MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Tyrannosaurus_rex|300px|Tyrannosaurus rex]]<br>
[[File:Utahraptor MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Utahraptor|300px|Utahraptor]]<br>
[[File:Velociraptor MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Velociraptor|300px|Velociraptor]]<br>
[[File:Zupaysaurus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Zupaysaurus|300px|Zupaysaurus]]<br>
<div style="display:inline-block;width:300px;vertical-align:top;background:#26746E;border-radius:25px 25px 25px 25px;padding:5px;margin-right:10px;margin-left:10px;">Herbivores<br>
[[File:Apatosaurus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Apatosaurus|300px|Apatosaurus]]<br>
[[File:Lurdusaurus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Lurdusaurus|300px|Lurdusaurus]]<br>
[[File:Oryctodromeus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Oryctodromeus|300px|Oryctodromeus]]<br>
[[File:Parasaurolophus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Parasaurolophus|300px|Parasaurolophus]]<br>
[[File:Pachycephalosaurus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Pachycephalosaurus|300px|Pachycephalosaurus]]<br>
[[File:Coahuilaceratops MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Coahuilaceratops|300px|Coahuilaceratops]]<br>
[[File:Saichania MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Saichania|300px|Saichania]]<br></div>
<div style="display:inline-block;width:300px;vertical-align:top;background:#26746E;border-radius:25px 25px 25px 25px;padding:5px;margin-right:10px;margin-left:10px;">Aquatics<br>
[[File:Archelon MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Archelon|300px|Archelon]]<br>
[[File:Kronosaurus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Kronosaurus|300px|Kronosaurus]]<br>
[[File:Mosasaurus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Mosasaurus|300px|Mosasaurus]]<br>
[[File:Palaeophis MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Palaeophis|300px|Palaeophis]]<br></div>
<div style="display:inline-block;width:300px;vertical-align:top;background:#26746E;border-radius:25px 25px 25px 25px;padding:5px;margin-right:10px;margin-left:10px;">Flyers<br>
[[File:Pteranodon MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Pteranodon|300px|Pteranodon]]<br>
[[File:Tropeognathus MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Tropeognathus|300px|Tropeognathus]]<br>
[[File:Tapejara MAINPAGE.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/Tapejara|300px|Tapejara]]<br></div><br><br>
<div style="width:1275px;vertical-align:top;background:#26746E;border-radius:25px 25px 25px 25px;padding:5px;">Playable Critters<br>
[[Arganodus]] | [[Auroraceratops]] | [[Frog]] | [[Horseshoe Crab]] | [[Malawania]]
'''Current Gamemodes'''
<!-- Lands of bermuda placeholder section, lots of things here needs to change and it is a work in progress.. need to think of a better name. -->
* [[Sandbox Gamemode|Sandbox]] - In this mode, the player can select any creature to play as without cost or punishment for death.  In this mode, the objective is what you make of it.  There are many different objectives players frequently take on, be it achieving a high score, taking down others in combat, exploring the map, or herding up and socializing.  This mode offers a relaxed atmosphere in which the player can do as they wish.  We've been discussing additional game modes due to interest and feedback among our community, and we have a few ideas we would like to implement.
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[[File:The lands of bermuda.png|700x150px]]<br>
* [[Life Cycle|Life-cycle]] - Gamemode in which the player starts as a juvenile of any species they wish and continues to grow, becoming more powerful over time in a multiplayer environment. Gradual [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontogeny ontogeny] is also a feature under this category that adds to the realism aspect of growing from a juvenile to an adult; eventually, accompanying model changes differentiating younger members of different species from their older counterparts.  This mode is coupled with a [[Talent tree|talent]] or skillpoint-based system, in which the player becomes more powerful in ways they can choose.
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How to thrive in the lands of bermuda:
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[[file:Placeholder CreatureList.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/weather|300px|Weather and Natural disasters]]
[[file:Placeholder CreatureList.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/World_Events|300px|World Events]] <br><br>
* [[Combat gamemode|Combat-based system]] - A player must successfully hunt and kill other players in order to gain points. Here, risk vs reward will very much be a factor as the larger the foe you down, the more reward you will gain.
[[file:Placeholder CreatureList.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/TO_BE_ADDED |300px|Resurrection]]
[[file:Placeholder CreatureList.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/TO_BE_ADDED |300px|TO BE ADDED]]
[[file:Placeholder CreatureList.png|link=https://wiki.beastsofbermuda.com/TO_BE_ADDED |300px|TO BE ADDED]] <br><br>
'''Game Modes to Be Released'''
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[[Merit game mode|Merit-based system]] - It's a game mode where you choose pretty weak creatures and over time you earn merit points which will allow a number of you to choose other larger and more powerful creatures.
'''Regardless of the selected mode of play settings may differ from server to server based upon their owner's preferences.'''
== Where is Beasts of Bermuda in its development? ==
Beasts of Bermuda began development on January 16th, 2017.  Currently, the game offers a fully functional game world with many combat mechanics and map-based survival elements already in place.  Make no mistake, our game is still pre-release and is still very much under development.  Future development will likely focus on expanding our playable creature roster, improving the quality of our graphics, models, and general assets, and then implementing additional game modes beyond Free Roam.
The development team has recently announced on their [https://store.steampowered.com/app/719890/Beasts_of_Bermuda/ steam page] that Beasts of Bermuda will be releasing on December 21st, 2018. Also within their steam page, is their patch notes where you can read in detail what new mechanics have been implemented. The best way, however, to keep up with development is to join their discord here: https://discord.gg/KZKzGTT where you can ask the Devs in the appropriate channels about the current build of the game.
See [[Why was Beasts of Bermuda created?]]
== What creatures are planned to be playable? ==
Currently, one can play as the following creatures in Beasts of Bermuda:
* [[Acrocanthosaurus]]
* [[Apatosaurus]]
* [[Elasmosaurus]]
* [[Ichthyovenator]]
* [[Kronosaurus]]
* [[Lurdusaurus]]
* [[Megalosaurus]]
* [[Mosasaurus]]
* [[Oryctodromeus]]
* [[Pachycephalosaurus]]
* [[Parasaurolophus]]
* [[Pteranodon]]
* [[Saichania]]
* [[Tyrannosaurus rex]]
* [[Utahraptor]]
* [[Velociraptor]]
It is likely the following creatures will be playable due to our interest in expanding the niches available to players in Beasts of Bermuda.  Many of these animals are selected due to their unique niches or ability to utilize certain gameplay mechanics.  Many are [[Piscivorous Creatures|piscivores]], [[Aquatic Creatures|aquatics]], [[Flying Creatures|flying creatures]], or [[Semiaquatic Creatures|semiaquatic]] animals.
(One of) Sarcosuchus, Deinosuchus, Purussaurus (SA)<br>
Nothosaurus (SA)<br>
Carcharodontosaurus/Yutyrannus (having one does not mean we won't get the other later)<br>
(One of) Polocanthus, Sauropelta, Edmontonia, Gastonia, Borealopelta, Antarctopelta<br>
Gallimimus/other ornithomimid<br>
(One of) Therizinosaurus, Deinocheirus<br>
Contectopalatus or other ‘small’ Ichthyosaur<br>
(One of) Hatzegopteryx, Quetzalcoatlus<br>
Discussed creatures are animals that have been discussed to be added, but have not been confirmed and are less likely to be added. The developers hope to have at least two creatures of every type to the game. With the proper resources, some of these creatures may be added.
Where the words (one of) appear, only one creature of that group will be added.
The list of discussed creatures is as follows:
Masiakasaurus (Possible SA)<br>
Majungasaurus and/or Ceratosaurus<br>
Spinosaurus (SA)<br>
(One of) Aralosaurus, Corythosaurus, Iguanodon, Ouranosaurus<br>
(One of) Centrosaurus, Einiosaurus, Monoclonius, Pachyrhinosaurus, Pentaceratops, Styracosaurus, Torosaurus<br>
(One of) Dacentrurus, Kentrosaurus, Lexovisaurus, Tuojiangosaurus<br>
Hyneria (Limited SA)<br>
Of course,
this list will extend. You have a channel in the discord of the game to suggest dinos with unique abilities.
== Why does Beasts of Bermuda need Donations? ==
Beasts of Bermuda needs funds to commission and contract professionals for services related to modeling, animating, sound creation, skin design, level design, and just overall improvements.  Up to this point, the game has been created by Predatoria and Vipe, two indie developers focused on the coding behind the game, with freelance contribution from several [[Contributors|contributors]].  Most of our current models are from asset stores and we want to replace them with professional models.  To bring our game to the next level of quality, we need to network with professionals in all departments of game design rather than just indefinitely coding more mechanics into the game, which requires funding neither of us can afford to do.
Want to help donate? Here's the link to the GoFundMe:
If you'd liked to help out by using PayPal, which is preferred since there's less of a pay cut, here's the email address to send it to:
There are also a [[rank of donators|rank of donators]]. These ranks are reached when some people make a certain amount to their donations.
== FAQ ==
*''' What platforms will Beasts of Bermuda be available on? '''
Currently, Beasts of Bermuda only has Windows support as adding support for other operating systems is low on our priority list.  In the future, MAC and Linux support will be added as well.  Steam will be our method of distribution.  Beasts of Bermuda is a PC game and will not function on consoles.
*''' When will Beasts of Bermuda be released? '''
December 21 2018
*''' Will Beasts of Bermuda have singleplayer support, or will it strictly be a multiplayer game? '''
Beasts of Bermuda is being created as a multiplayer game.  If a player wishes to do so, they can host a server and play alone, but multiplayer play is strongly encouraged.
See [[Dedicated Servers]]
*''' Will there be Steam achievements? '''
Achievements will be available in-game upon release
*''' How much will Beasts of Bermuda Cost? '''
Beasts of Bermuda will very likely cost $20.00 (USD) and will be purchased on Steam.
*''' How can I keep up with Beasts of Bermuda's development? '''
The best way to keep up with development is to join our Discord, this way you can access the most current information available first hand.  Currently, most activity takes place here including links to our most recent test builds and patch notes.
Follow our progress here: https://discord.gg/PQ5fPNn
We're are also on steam now! Go check us out and if you are interested in the game don't forget to add it to your wishlist to be notified on EA release.
Steam Page Link:
There are also several [[youtubers]] who regularly make videos of BOB.
BOB Twitch channel [https://www.twitch.tv/beastsofbermuda here].
*''' Can I play Beasts of Bermuda? '''
Beasts of Bermuda is in its closed testing phase and if you wish to play the game, you have to wait for it to release on steam!

Latest revision as of 16:33, 13 September 2024

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Oops, something's missing!
It looks like this page is missing something - or maybe a lot of things! Beasts of Bermuda, despite its recent player increase, has had a very loyal following that didn't require a Wiki for the most part because of how tight-knit its community is. This means this Wiki has gone unmaned for a while now! Fear not, however, for there are still many resources out there while we try to update this site, such as our New Player Guide or the Official Discord Server. See you out there on the islands!

Welcome to the Beasts of Bermuda Wiki
A fan-run Wiki for the dinosaur survival game, Beasts of Bermuda!We are currently under maintanence as we work to update this site once more. Feel free to join the Wiki's Discord Server for more information or to help us.

This wiki currently has 238 articles and 874 files


Featured Articles:

New Player Guide Palaeophis



Tyrannosaurus rex








The lands of bermuda.png

How to thrive in the lands of bermuda:

Nesting Weather and Natural disasters World Events


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